The 3rd birthday - the 1st demo of the 2nd version

Happy 3rd birthday to Demonizer! Version 2.0 development is still slow but mostly steady. (As steady as it can be alongside other projects like a new website and the preproduction of Rose of Dragontail.)

The majority of this year’s progress was internal. I brought in core system improvements from the Honey Guardian / Honey Soldier Android port. Then I continued to refine until I was sure I could recreate and enhance all the content simply and reliably, not to mention add new stuff.

Stage 1 v2 is not only a complete rearrange but features a number of ideas that couldn’t make it to v1. Swordsmen run around obstacles. Catapults are steered properly by their operators and stop working without them. The bomb can put out fires and the boss can relight them. You get a bonus for preventing trees from getting lit.

This stage released in the first v2 beta build just in time for the Steam Shmup Fest, which was great fun! Not only did I discover new favorites like GanaBlade, but the sales for that week felt a bit like Stage 2’s new mechanic:

By the way, the final name of 2.0 will be Demonizer G. Happy Halloween!

Files 16 MB
Version 2.0 Oct 11, 2023 17 MB
Version 2.0 Oct 11, 2023 12 MB
Version 2.0 Oct 11, 2023

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