A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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Twin-stick twin-ship shooter proto.

Catch defeated enemies between your twin ships and throw them back.


LT or RT
Space or Numpad 0Start game
Left Stick
Move left ship
Right Stick
Numpad 4, 6, 8, 5
Move right ship
LT + RTSpace + Numpad 0
Throw captured enemy bodies
Back+StartF2Reset game


Design, program, vector art: Iori Branford

Sound: Bfxr https://www.bfxr.net/

Font: "Hyperspace" by Pixel Sagas http://www.pixelsagas.com/?download=hyperspace

Coming soon

Real level with interesting patterns and nice techno music.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

twinthunder-win-32.zip 3.8 MB
Version wgj136
twinthunder-win-64.zip 4.2 MB
Version wgj136
twinthunder-osx.zip 6.5 MB
Version wgj136
twinthunder.love 236 kB
Version wgj136

Development log

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